Czech Republic

Special Olympics is a global organization that serves with intellectual disabilities working with hundreds of thousands of volunteers and coaches each year. Since the establishment of Special Olympics in 1968, the number of people with and without intellectual disabilities who are involved with the organization has been growing, but the unmet need to reach more people with intellectual disabilities is staggering.
It’s at the local level—right here—where interested volunteers meet the athletes. That’s where the perceptions start to change and where the miracle of transformation takes place.
Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Those activities give them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship.
Download the Special Olympics Czech Republic Fact Sheet.
It’s at the local level—right here—where interested volunteers meet the athletes. That’s where the perceptions start to change and where the miracle of transformation takes place.
Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Those activities give them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship.
Download the Special Olympics Czech Republic Fact Sheet.
Contact Us
Special Olympics Czech Republic
Contact Info
In Person
Ricni, 6
11800 Prague I
Czech Republic
11800 Prague I
Czech Republic
By Phone
Our Areas
ÚSTECKÝ KRAJ: Háj u Duchcova, Liběšice, Litoměřice, Litvínov, Louny, Teplice, Trmice, Tuchořice, Ústí nad Labem, Vejprty, Žatec
LIBERECKÝ KRAJ: Tanvald, Česká Lípa, Lučany nad Nisou
KRÁLOVÉHRADECKÝ KRAJ: Dolní Lánov, Hajnice, Hradec Králové, Kvasiny, Nová Paka, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Skřivany, Trutnov, Vrchlabí
OLOMOUCKÝ KRAJ: Bílsko, Bruntál, Litovel, Nezamyslice, Olomouc, Přerov, Rokytnice, Šternberk, Šumperk, Uničov
MORAVSKOSLEZSKÝ KRAJ: Český Těšín - Horní Žukov, Frýdek - Místek, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, Havířov, Kopřivnice, Krásné pole, Město Albrechtice, Nový Jičín, Opava, Ostrava
PARDUBICKÝ KRAJ: Bystré, Lanškroun, Slatiňany, Svitavy, Ústí nad Orlicí, Žamberk
STŘEDOČESKÝ KRAJ: Benešov, Čachovice, Doubravčany, Jankov, Odlochovice, Kladno, Kutná Hora, Ledce, Lochovice, Loukov u Mnichova Hradiště, Milovice, Mladá Boleslav, Neratovice, Neveklov, Psáry, Roztoky, Sedlec - Prčice, Smečno
PLZEŇSKÝ KRAJ: Česká Kubice, Stod
JIHOČESKÝ KRAJ: Mačkov, České Budějovice, Dub u Prachatic, Pístina, Soběslav, Stachy, Strakonice, Zběšičky
VYSOČINA KRAJ: Černovice, Jihlava, Křižanov, Pacov, Těchobus, Velké Meziříčí
JIHOMORAVSKÝ KRAJ: Borotice, Brno, Kyjov, Letovice, Střelice
ZLÍNSKÝ KRAJ: Zlín, Bojkovice, Fryšták, Chvalčov, Kroměříž, Kunovice, Kvasice, Otrokovice, Uherské Hradiště, Uherský Brod, Velehrad, Zašová