Fitness Programs for Every Level

Start training and elevate your game: workouts you can do anywhere.

Snack Zone
Join professional football player Alex Singleton to get the information and tools you’ll need to make a big impact on your game day—with healthy snacks that can improve your performance. Watch these videos and complete the challenges to make healthy snacking part of your everyday routine and get into the Snack Zone.

School of Strength
Introducing a whole new way to exercise, featuring WWE Superstar Becky Lynch. Work out with these videos five times a week to help you stay fit and reach your athletic goals. Watch them in order starting with Video 1. When you can do each exercise in a video correctly, it’s time to move on to the next one.

Escuela de Fuerza - Espanol
Te presentamos una nueva forma de hacer ejercicio con la ayuda de las superestrellas del béisbol Willson Contreras y Gleyber Torres. Hacer ejercicio con estos videos cinco veces a la semana te va a ayudar a mantenerte en forma y lograr tus metas deportivas.

School of Strength: Class is in Session
WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre takes you through 10 exercises from the Unified Fitness Kit Cards that will help you improve your endurance, strength, and agility.

Fit 5
Fit 5 focuses on three simple goals: exercising 5 days per week, consuming 5 fruits, 5 vegetables and 5 bottles of water daily to achieve optimal fitness goals!

HIGH 5 for Fitness
High 5 for Fitness is a set of resources for youth ages 8 – 21 to help you take control of your own fitness by making healthy choices. Being fit means that you eat well, drink plenty of water, and move a lot every day. Fit kids feel good and have lots of energy because their bodies are strong and healthy.
Get in Shape with Your Personal Celebrity Trainer Shannon Decker
Get fit with new School of Strength workouts lead by celebrity trainer Shannon Decker and Special Olympics athlete Vince Egan.
30-minute workout with celebrity trainer Shannon Decker: Part 2
Get fit with new School of Strength workouts lead by celebrity trainer Shannon Decker and Special Olympics athlete Stephanie Ching.
30-minute workout with celebrity trainer Shannon Decker: Part 3
Get fit with new School of Strength workouts led by celebrity trainer Shannon Decker and Special Olympics athlete Angel Athenas.