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Taking Care of Yourself
Information about the importance of self-care for parents and caregivers.
While you are trying to give all the attention to address your child’s needs, it is important to remember to take good care of yourself. Maintaining your own health will give you the strength to better support your child. A few ways to maintain your wellbeing may include: practicing mindfulness, exercising, spending time with your other children, spouse and friends, and taking time for yourself.

Practicing Self Care

Self-care can look different for each person, but it is important to find activities that you enjoy and help manage your stress. Flip the card for an example.

Take quality time for yourself

Spend 30 minutes a day doing something for yourself (doing your hair, listening to music)

Reflect on your day

Write in a journal

Say daily, positive affirmations

Statements like “you can do this” or “today you did really great at…"

Spend time doing your own hobbies

Running/sports, knitting, baking, fishing, etc.

Get involved in your community

Volunteer in your community, join clubs (book clubs, Mommy & Me, etc.), spend time with friends and other adults

Attend therapy or family support

Talk to a professional, friend or family member when you are stressed

Get enough sleep

The average adult should get between 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

Eat well

A balanced diet will give you more energy, lower chances of diseases, like Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and retain bone strength.

Exercise regularly

Exercise helps a variety of different body functions, such as sleep, reduces anxiety and depression, and keeps you physically healthy

Establish a good hygiene routine

Taking time to do your own personal hygiene each day will help you feel better and model good hygiene for your child

Practice stress management techniques

Managing your stress can help decrease sleep problems, weight gain, and illness. You will live a healthier life and be ready to take on any challenges you may need to face

Parental medical care

Making sure you are taking care of your own personal medical needs and getting your annual check-ups will help you remain healthy, so that you can care for your child.


Mindfulness is when you focus on being aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment without interpretation or judgment. Some of the benefits of mindfulness are to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you direct your attention away from negative thinking and more positively engage with the world around you.

Here are some simple ways to practice mindfulness:

Pay attention to your surroundings when doing a task.

For example, when you are on a walk, make sure to look around and appreciate your surroundings. Appreciate the fresh air, the smell of flowers, and the warmth of sunshine.

Live in the moment.

For example, when you are on your walk try not to use your phone and just enjoy the time with yourself.

Accept yourself.

For example, when you are on your walk try to think of positives in your life.

Focus on your breathing.

For example, when you are on your walk remember to take deep breaths and try to relax.
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