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Tamara Röske: A Star on the Track, Stage and Screen

Special Olympics Germany athlete, model, actor and musician; Röske’s multifaceted talents shine brightly one year on from Berlin 2023.

Model, actor, clarinet player and Special Olympics athlete Tamara Röske was determined to make a statement at the Berlin 2023 Games. "I want to show everyone what I can do," she declared with confidence.

Her coach, Natja Stockhause, highlights the impact of Tamara’s achievements on her peers, “Now, due to the success at World Games, [Tamara] is a role model for others in our sports group.”

Tamara's story is part of the compelling Athlete Legacy Series, which looks back on performances at Berlin 2023 and reflects on the transformational impact of the Special Olympics World Games on athletes' lives.

A Moment to Remember

Tamara’s mother, Antje, expresses her immense pride in her daughter's accomplishments, “I would have never imagined this in my life. I am so happy and so proud when I look at her.”

Germany hosted the Special Olympics World Games for the first time in 2023, welcoming thousands of athletes from around the world to Berlin for the year’s largest inclusive sporting event.

The Opening Ceremony on 17 June took place in the iconic Olympic Stadium, with delegations from across the world parading through the field and fans cheering from the stands. It was a moment that Tamara and her family will cherish forever.

Antje recalls the emotional experience, “It is genuinely very moving and highly emotional when you see your child in the stadium, walking in with the national team. I enjoyed it.” Tamara adds, “To be in Berlin was pretty awesome! It was really nice to participate.”

Woman wearing Special Olympics red jacket smiles at the camera
Tamara Röske represented Special Olympics Germany at their home World Games in Berlin

“We are Strong, We are Brave”

Near her home in Stuttgart, Tamara is active in the ’46 Plus’ sports club where she plays sports with dozens of other athletes with intellectual disabilities. Tamara is admired not only for her athletic success but also for her warm and lovable nature. Coach Natja remarks, “Tamara is by nature, warm-hearted and open. You bring her into your heart whenever you see her.”

Special Olympics provides a platform for people with intellectual disabilities to lead healthier lives and showcase their abilities to the world. Tamara embodies this spirit, stating, “We are strong, we are brave.”

Tamara’s video was funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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